UG/PG Research
Research Guidelines/Ethics

APA Code of Ethics [Official]
The official APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (Effective since January 1, 2017); available at https://www.apa.org/ethics/code/ethics-code-2017.pdf [pdf]

ICMR Ethical Guidelines [Official]
National Ethical guidelines for Biomedical and Health Research involving Human Participants; given by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR); https://main.icmr.nic.in /sites /default/files/guidelines/ICMR_Ethical_Guidelines_2017.pdf [pdf]
DSM (5th edition) [Official]
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition) by the American Psychiatric Association; available at http://repository.poltekkes-kaltim.ac.id/ [pdf]

ICD-10 (WHO) [Official]
International Statistical Classification of Diseases & Health Related Problems (2nd edition) by the World Health Organization (WHO); available at https://www.who.int/classifications/icd/ICD-10_2nd_ed_volume2.pdf [pdf]
Formulating Research Topic

Current Research topics
Check out some of these current or relevant research areas; Link 1 (APA), Link 2 (EduStore), Link 3 (VeryWellMind), Link 4 (APS). Also, download this book chapter on selecting research topics.

How to write a Research Problem statement
A short but useful guide to coming up with Research problem statements given by piu@sheffield.ac.uk [pdf]
Review of Literature

Literature review & Focusing your research [Book chapter]
This Book chapter by Sage Publications covers the entire Literature review process in depth, with lots of useful examples and illustrations; more suited for social sciences. It is a good starting point for students writing ROLs for the first time [pdf]

A Brief Guide to Writing a Review of Literauture
This short guide to ROL writing by University of Toronto provides useful guidelines to writing your Review of Literature chapter; including two neat lists on Questions to ask about your ROL and Questions to ask about the resources you are reviewing. [pdf]

Flowchart for writing the Review of Literature
This short, illustrative guide by the Writing Resource Center, CSU Bakersfield covers the process of writing a literature review, details of formatting and organization of content in ROL, and provides two examples of a thematic review of literature [pdf]
Writing a Literature Review (Review articles)
This short document by Western Sydney University introduces the purpose and process of writing standalone Literature reviews or Review articles. It has a useful table that helps to understand the difference between Literature reviews and normal college essays. [pdf]
Research Writing
Summary of Points on Research

Brief on the Scientific Method
This guide by VeryWellMind describes the scientific process most often used in Psychology research; it can be found at https://www.verywellmind.com/steps-of-the-scientific-method-2795782?print (by Kendra Cherry)